04 July 2008

Green and Blue with no Tourists

From the stats this blog is not being read by anyone. Naturally since it is only updated monthly now. I will keep it alive at this minimal level for a while. The province as seen through the web cameras is mostly green and buggy. What is interesting is the low numbers of vehicles on the highways.

It would appear that the cost of fuel has had a strong effect on the people travelling within and through the province. The last few days there have been few (less than 5) times that I have seen a mobile home or trailer on the highway. This will not be good for the provinces tourism industry.

The Fred E-zone cameras caught the changing of the guard in from of City Hall today ...

And yesterday the Meductic camera died and faded to grey ...

But other than that it has been pretty much routine in the web cameras of NB. We shall see what this month brings.

And this is what the province looked like today:

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