17 February 2008

Shots of the Day: 17.02.08

You know, when I started this exercise I figured that if I sat on the highway camera website especially in the early morning I would see some wildlife on the more deserted stretches. Nope. I thought I might see the odd speeder caught on the main highways. Nope. I thought there might be the odd snow plow or hitchhiker. Nope. Just a lot of photos of deserted winter NB highway.

Today I thought I would catch a bunch of church folks in Durham Bridge but the 11 AM photo was pretty tame. I guess they have better things to do in Durham Bridge.

I happened to go by the local highway camera, weather station mast today and snapped a photo. the mast / station is pretty inconspicuous and is easily missed / ignored.

I don't know what was up with this transport just outside of Saint John this morning but he was there for a while.

Set of Highway Camera Shots for Evening in NB 17.02.08

I thought I would try something different today and collect a dawn to dark set of photos for one camera. I chose Mount Farlagne and you can see the clouds lower and two separate storms come through.

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