18 February 2008

Shots of the Day: 18.02.08

OK, so today was a bad day for highway camera photo quality. It snowed last night and then turned to warm rain. Cold ground and warm humid air means fog. Almost all the cameras had problems with water on the lens for most of the day and some just never got better. I did see a police car for the first time early this morning in Blackland.

And my first snowplow at Mont Farlagne.

But all in all it was pretty awful. The only time the grey lifted was for about 20 minutes when a patch of blue sky showed up over Bathurst and moved on to Stonehaven and then disappeared.

But any day that they fire up a new highway camera has got to be a good day so I will end with a slide show of images from today that had something other than empty road or cars. Mostly transports but there are some other vehicles too.

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